MAN was created by God in His image and likeness for a divine purpose on earth.    Each man assimilated the divine nature of God (DNA) and has HIS purpose and destiny.  We are created to fulfill to advance the Kingdom of God and when that purpose is not known or when that purpose is altered or blocked, it causes a ripple effect, negatively affecting the advancement of the Kingdom of God, and negatively affecting the lives of those connected.

The first Adam was the father of humankind.  He was created in God’s image to guide, guard, and govern his family on earth; to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth with all that God is, including His power, His love, His wisdom, and more.  All of God’s attributes were to be reproduced through Adam and his descendants. But instead, Adam was seduced and lost his way.  He lost his identity, and as a result, he abandoned the purpose for which he was created.

God called out, “ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU!?”, looking for the man he created but could not find him.  The divine nature of God was altered and the nature of Adam, the father of mankind, was passed to us.  Adam had exchanged his peace for guilt, shame, and fear. He abdicated his responsibility, no longer protecting, guiding, or governing his family and countless generations including ours. We are born with the defiled nature of the first Adam, and unless changed we want to experience the same consequences, continued separation from the Father, WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!!!

Being BORN AGAIN in Jesus gives us a new nature, a new identifiable life, His Spirit to guide, and His Word to stand on.  We in turn are to pass that new life, that new nature on to our children, and raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord: the culture of the Kingdom!!! 

In general men, like Adam and because of sin, have lost sight of their purpose and identity – who they are and whom they are created to BE. Men are not sure if they are Christians or non-Christians, men or women, adults or children, bond (addicted to something), or free.  They are afraid of their own identity, so they hide like the first Adam.  Men are wandering around and in constant conflict, envy, and strife opening the door to every evil work. Men have abdicated their responsibilities and rather than leading the way, they are leaving the guidance of families to the latest reality TV show, media “influencer”, or celebrity; the protection of our sons and daughters to gangs and pimps; and the governance of our families and communities to cultural trends or the confused government.  ADAM WHERE ARE YOU!!

If we are to see any change in our society there must be a change in us. HOW?  It’s time to CHANGE OUR DIRECTION, MAKE A STAND and GO FORTH! 


We can NOT continue in the same direction as Adam (sin, disobedience, abdication of responsibilities) and expect a different result.  That is insanity.  We must change our direction and return to the FATHER.  His Word has the answers, and His Spirit will give us the strength and the guidance we need to resist the trends, overcome the challenges, and follow the TRUTH vs what’s popular at the time.  If we don’t change our direction – REPENT – we will reproduce a fallen man. Change direction and return to God’s original plan.  Return to our purpose; why the Lord said we’re created – HIS GLORY, not ours.  Return to what He says our families are supposed to be, not what we have created.  Return to the purpose for that change, to bring Glory to Him, not glory to ourselves.  To reproduce HIM on earth, we must change our direction.  In addition, we must STAND.

STAND (Ephesians 6-13,14)

To stand is to hold your position in something. If we don’t stand for something we will fall for anything.  But the problem is we have been standing (holding our position) for the wrong thing.  We must STAND in the power of His might, for righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. STAND for the Kingdom and the truth of God’s Word, not for a political party, not for your race, your culture, your ethnicity, your gender, or any of the other temporal things we are called by the world or society to stand for.  We are (WE BE) the righteousness of God in Christ, so we must stand for Jesus! 

We’ve heard it said many ways – if you were on trial, would there be enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?  ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU?  Do others have sufficient evidence – can others see or declare you are a Christian (truly like Christ) by your words and conduct or do you have to tell them?   Are you “fakin’ and shaken” or are you the real deal?  STAND for TRUTH, STAND for Righteousness. Do people know you are a Kingdom Citizen by the Christ in you or by your license tag or the cross you wear? Stand in truth, not in every wind and doctrine that comes along or some of the new trends we see.  We must come out of the closet with TRUTH.  Why are we hiding who we are Adam? Why don’t we want anyone to know?  Come on Adam – LET’S GO!!!!

GO! – (Matt 28:19)

Finally, Adam, IT’S TIME TO GO!  Go into all the world and make disciples.  Go forth in the power of HIS might and reproduce who we are in Him.  Go forth in His Word and Spirit to achieve and fulfill your purpose, the reason you were created, and walk into your destiny.  Don’t sit, procrastinate, or wait, except on the Lord. GO!  Adam, somebody is waiting on you. Their life depends on you, born again Adam.  The Kingdom will advance when you GO. The FATHER has put new life in you, giving you understanding and the power of the Holy Ghost, not for you to sit and wait, but for you and me “ta Git‘er dun!!!”.  You have an assignment, a calling, or a gift Adam, from the FATHER.  And if you don’t know what that gift or calling is – Ask the One that made you – He knows. Don’t save it or look for a better time or the right time – it’s NOW – GO! The world is waiting on you to manifest, son of God.  Go forth in Love.  Go Forth in Faith!  Go Forth In Power! But GO!!!  GO Be the Father/the Man God created you to be!!!

ADAM, WHERE ARE YA?  Are you still wandering around, trying to find yourself, your identity, your purpose, and your destiny?  Or do you understand it’s time for YOU to CHANGE YOUR DIRECTION, TAKE A STAND and GO!!