GS Men -MenChangers was recently blessed with a “Platinum Seal of Transparency” from CANDID, a non-profit accountability organization. CANDID audits all aspects of a nonprofit to ensure integrity and compliance.  GS Men -MenChangers was honored a few years ago at the Bronze level and has steadfastly increased each year and has now received the highest recognition of Platinum.

GS Men -MenChangers is dedicated to serve so as to honor God and be faithful in our mission. Becoming accredited by trustworthy, credible independent agencies like CANDID is a huge milestone for GS Men -MenChangers.

Mark Lubbock, CEO of GS Men -MenChangers said, “This offers credibility and assurance to organizations we work with, volunteers and donors that we are on mission and on target with mission!  This significant achievement reflects our commitment to be faithful in all that we do for God and Kingdom building.”

CANDID exists to ensure nonprofits are themselves trustworthy by auditing and measuring valid metrics.    Every year, millions of nonprofits spend trillions of dollars around the world. CANDID finds out where that money comes from, where it goes, and why it matters.