There are two great days in the life of man.

The day he was born and the day he discovered why he was born.  This is about discovering your divine destiny.

Jesus said John 12:27 “Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. For Jesus, this was not about using His gifts and talents. It was not about finding that thing that brought Him the greatest pleasure in life. He asked the Father to deliver Him from His why. However, nothing could stop Him from completing His why. For Jesus, and for us, it’s about understanding why I was put on this earth.

The man who understands that will not have to be motivated or cajoled. Nothing on this earth will be able to stop him. Outside of leading a man to salvation, the greatest gift a ministry can give a man is an understanding of his why.

SO – would YOU like to learn just how to discover your divine destiny? Contact Men Changers & we can offer tools and resources as well as effective ways to develop local peers on this journey!